How to display your ketubah

We often hear questions from couples about how to display their ketubah at the ceremony and what type of frame we recommend to complement our designs and keep their ketubah protected for a lifetime. We’ve compiled this guide to address every detail of how to display your ketubah, along with links to purchase what you’ll need from suppliers we trust. We’re not affiliated/sponsored by these shops - we just use them frequently and can vouch for their high-quality products and service!

True story: My mother-in-law generously wrote our ketubah by hand. It is a beautiful heirloom that we adore. However, to protect the ketubah in transit, she covered it in paper towels. We had it displayed at our ceremony…and I didn’t realize until I made it down the aisle that it was still - you guessed it - covered in paper towels. So part of our ceremony became…peeling paper towels off of our ketubah! Don’t be like us - make a plan for how to display your ketubah now - then appoint someone you trust to make sure it ends up in the right place on your wedding day!

At your wedding

The dilemma

The chicken-and-egg problem: how do you keep your ketubah accessible for signing, and still safely display it at your ceremony and reception? Custom framers enclose your ketubah behind acrylic/glass, and affix a paper dust cover to the back of the frame, making it impossible to remove for signing. Though custom framing is the best long-term option for safe display of your ketubah, there are a number of excellent short-term options that will keep your ketubah looking its best and protected from errant elbows and wine on your big day!

The solutions

The temporary frame

The most popular option, which is also the simplest and most convenient for last-minute implementation, is to use a temporary frame. An off-the-shelf frame from Michaels or Target will protect your ketubah in transit to your ceremony, allow you to easily remove the ketubah for signing, and then provide the support and protection your ketubah needs to rest on an easel for all to admire at your reception. Our favorite option is this minimal clip frame, which you can purchase on Etsy for less than $30.

An example of a clip frame - it’s almost invisible! Image source: Jerry’s Artarama

An example of a clip frame - it’s almost invisible! Image source: Jerry’s Artarama

If you’re ready to commit: A DIY Frame

If you have even a tiny bit of DIY skill, the frames from American Frame (which require light assembly) are the perfect solution. They have many beautiful options - both minimal and ornate - which complement our designs, and the frames are excellent quality (we use them in our photo shoots!). What makes these frames different from off-the-shelf varieties is that you can customize your size and order archival, non-glare plexiglass which will protect your ketubah from fading and discoloration over time, so the frame you use for your ceremony can be used for life. Since you assemble the frame yourself, it is easy to remove your ketubah for signing and then put it back in to be displayed - just assign a bridesmaid/groomsman/planner/trusted family member to the task so you don’t have to mess with it on your wedding day. The American Hardwoods collection is our favorite, and there are also some great minimal metal options which are more budget-friendly.

We love this solid Walnut frame from American Frame (you’ll see it in many of the photos on our site!)

We love this solid Walnut frame from American Frame (you’ll see it in many of the photos on our site!)

At home

A local custom framer

If you’ve chosen the temporary frame option for your wedding day, we recommend that you use a local custom framer for home display of your ketubah. UV-protected, non-glare glass or acrylic will keep your ketubah safe from fading and discoloration.

One special detail we adore for ketubah framing is a float mount, which preserves some space around the ketubah and between the ketubah + glass. It makes the ketubah stand out a bit from the mat behind it, and gives an extra sense of importance to the piece - the way it would be displayed in a museum.

Example of float mounting. Image source: Fado Framing

Example of float mounting. Image source: Fado Framing

American Frame

As mentioned above, we’ve had great experiences with American Frame and love their designs! Just be sure to select the non-glare, UV-protected acrylic option.

Where should I hang my ketubah?

The ketubah should hang somewhere in your home where you’ll see it every day. Most people choose to display it in the bedroom, but we’ve seen many included in beautiful gallery walls in a living room or hallway. Consider purchasing matching frames for a few of your favorite wedding photos and displaying them together!

Living with your ketubah

Your Rabbi might suggest that you fight in front of your ketubah - when arguments inevitably occur, it can be a salve to have such a strong reminder of your commitment in sight. Read your ketubah often, and truly let it guide you towards creating the relationship you’ve envisioned together. As time goes by, it’s lovely to be able to step back to those full-of-possibility early days of your love, and the words of your ketubah can be the time capsule that takes you there!

Framing your circular ketubah

Our round ketubah designs are unique - which means it can be a challenge to find a frame that fits! Worry not - we’ve compiled a variety of great options for framing our circular designs.

The minimalist option: Available in black or brass, this metal floating frame by Umbra is 20”, leaving a perfect 1” border around our round designs.

The custom option: The Victorian Frame Company create custom round frames, with modern and ornate profile options and a wide variety of wood and painted finishes.

Framing your Handmade Paper ketubah

While you can choose a traditional frame with a float mount (see above for details), if you’d prefer to avoid custom framing or would like a more modern option, floating frames are a perfect choice!

We love these gray-washed wood frames from Pottery Barn - at 18x18”, they’ll preserve just the right amount of space around your 16x16” ketubah.

Mazel Tov from the Foreverie Paper team!

Have more specific questions? Drop us a line, we’re here to help!

Still shopping? Browse our gorgeous, modern ketubah designs now.


A progressive Rabbi’s advice on planning your Jewish wedding, preparing for a happy marriage, and writing your own ketubah


How to write your own ketubah text